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These VSCode shortcuts can greatly simplify your life

This article provides a list of VSCode shortcuts that can help you make selections, add multiple cursors, fold and unfold code, and more. These shortcuts can make navigating and editing your code easier and save you time and effort.


Shift+Cmd+Space – display list of function argument


Ctrl+Shift+Right – expand the selection to the bigger context

Ctrl+Shift+Left – shrink selection to a smaller context

Ctrl+D – find the next instance of the selected block and add it to the selection

Ctrl+L – extend the selection to the whole line

Shift+Cmd+L – select all instances of the selected block


In VSCode, the multi-cursor feature allows you to add multiple cursors to your code, which can be useful for making multiple edits at once. For example, if you want to change the name of a variable that is used multiple times in your code, you can use the multi-cursor feature to add a cursor to each instance of the variable, and then make the changes simultaneously.

Option+LClick – add a new cursor to the clicked position

Shift+Option+I – create a cursor for every selected line

Option+Cmd+Down (Up) – add cursor below (above)

Cmd+U – undo cursor


The folding feature allows you to collapse blocks of code, making it easier to navigate and focus on specific parts of your code. This can be useful for hiding code that you are not currently working on and for making it easier to navigate large files.

Cmd+K Cmd+0 – fold everything

Cmd+K Cmd+- – fold everything except the region under the cursor

Cmd+K Cmd+] – unfold recursively under the cursor

Cmd+K Cmd+J – unfold everything

Cmd+K Cmd+2 – fold to level 2 (change 2 to another digit to specify another level for folding)


Ctrl+J – join lines

Cmd+K Cmd+F – apply document formatting to the selection

Shift+Cmd+T – reopen a closed document